Sunday, June 14, 2009

Worst Blogger EVER!!!!!

I am officially the worst Blogger Ever!! But I've been so busy and frantic that I got out of the routine. I'm getting my groove thing back though and promise to do more blogging and less paper shuffling. Getting the house ready to put on the market in NJ is very time consuming. Actually, right now I'm supposed to be painting the front door an awesome Teal blue/green, but procrastinating is one of my special talents and so are run on sentences! A huge reason the blog has gone to the back burner is my new doggie Andersen. He is so cute and the best puppy I have ever had (shhhh). I found him on Adopt a Pet. And I applied and then Interviewed and then he was put in my arms to go home with. He and his sister Kristen were from an Ohio Amish Puppy Mill. they had hernias when they were little babies and then abandoned to a high kill shelter/ the shelter put the word out to the rescue sites and the Delaware Puppy Rescue swept in and 2 weeks later he was mine! Of course I've only had him a month so what happened to April and May? Can't remember either - oh well...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Girls Just Want To Have Fun and Fun and More Fun!

The girls are back in town! CC2 and I were in full spin mode last Thursday when the phone kept ringing with New and Favorite Clients doing a little Spring Cleaning! And not the kind that involves Windex and Brawny - the fun kind that makes their closets neater and ours more exciting! Just in time for Prom and Wedding Season to begin we are so happy to post Betsey Johnson, Shoshanna, Claudia Cordia and Yana K!!! These are so special because first they are Totally Gorgeous and Second - you won't see your Bestest Frenemy wearing the same frock. It's nice to be unique and even nicer to be Uber Glam Unique!

Yes I had a great time in VT this weekend, but my Internet is so Slow I'm coming home to get back to work. We sold so many great outfits over the weekend we have to restock our cyber pages for everyone to enjoy. CC2 probably lost 3 pounds just running back and forth to the Post Office doing our Super Quick Shipping!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

To The Hills Of Beverly...

CC 2 and I have been so super busy shipping amazing items our eBay Customers have been snapping up! Savvy buyers know to check in on our site throughout the day as we have been receiving so many fabulous finds from our Closet Cleaners that we are listing new items all the day long. A DVF wrap dress (2 days left!) was bid on moments after it was posted. and a Armani Collezioni Pants suit was swooped on in a Buy It Now only hours after we listed it. We are featuring this week The Little Black Dress! We have Emporio Armani, Nicole Miller, Michael Kors and Ralph Lauren. And since its Spring! we know Prom is right around the corner - check out our Prom Fashions including the Sweetest Lulu Guinness Faux Fur Wraps.

We Love hearing from everyone! Especially all you College girls. Thanks for supporting our site so strongly - we love hearing that you forward our site to other colleges and your Sorority Sisters. Let us know what your looking for. We will search high and low for it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cutest Little LIlly Girls

Way more darling than even we can believe. Hard to find Patterns like Island hopping! Cute Dresses and Skirts that are perfect for Easter or Sunday Brunch at the Club. While your friends are wondering how you can afford new Clothes for yourself, your Lillyette and Your membership Dues - you are looking forward to next weeks facial. With all the money saved by shopping for New or barely used Designers a monthly facial is definetely on your schedule! Check out our beautiful finds... Coming soon - the Little Black dress for Every Occasion!

Little Lilly Girls!

Shoes! Glorious Shoes!

I'm doing the happy dance! We have just listed the cutest shoes ever on our cool eBay Store named of course CC and Friends. Lulu Guinness, Beverly Feldman, Rafe, Stuart Weitzman, Cole Haan and more more more! We are really putting our nose to the digital camera and keyboard to bring these awesome mostly never used Shoes! Let us know what you think. Yes - we will be getting more up close and personal very soon. I know you all want updates on our Dieting Results and so do we ha ha. Actually, we are doing great! But more on that later - right now we're all about the shoes. CC2 has all the info on our Lilly Girls. Everything is posted on our store so check it out. The pics are a cute preview - thanks for Stopping!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Little Lillys

Too too cute. Tomorrow we are totally excited - we have the most adorable Lilly Girls to put on our awesome eBay site. CC2 and I oohhed and aahhhed our way through these fabulous finds. All sizes all styles most brand new! Tomorrow evening they will be blasted onto our eBay store - can't wait to see everyone's reaction!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Pink and Green Meets Boho Chic!

We are so excited! CC2 and worked long into the night (ok through cocktail hour...) taking pics and writing and oohhing and ahhhing. I haven't been so jazzed up about merchandise in a long long time. Martha Stewart has really brought the Lilly Lovers out in droves. We have been selling new and gently used Lilly like crazy! We're happy and our clients are happy - its a win win all around. My daughter emailed me from College begging for me to buy one of the cute dresses we had just put on eBay - by the time I went to get it for her ( I know I'm a sucker for my cutie pie) it was snapped up!

If any of our local followers are looking to clean out their closets this is an awesome time to do it. Call us and we will be thrilled to sell it for you. We do all the work and you can sit back and collect the cash. I mean who doesn't love cash these days - it is king!

We are so happy that our Brides have turned to us for fantastic buys. CC2 and I LOVE helping these fabulous Brides save money without sacrificing Style!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Martha, Martha, Martha!

You know that something big is happenning at CC and Friends when CC2 chimes in! Martha Stewart showcased Lilly Pulitzer on her show today and guess what?? We are showcasing Lilly on our eBay Store! Just look at the top of our blog for a link to our Cool Store - and in one click you can shop all you want! We have Lilly in all sizes for all occasions - and check back every day because we are constantly adding new Merch that is Brand New!! Tell all your friends! Don't forget to subscribe to our feed so you can get updates when something new is going on. We have so much fun bringing these Gorgeous Clothes and Bags and Shoes to you! We love saving money and know that you do to. Just because the stock market went up doesn't mean you should go back to paying full price. We will NEVER shop that way again!!

If you girls are looking for a special size or dress or bag or shoes or bauble let us know!! we will do our best to find it for you!!

Also! Mother of the Bride or Groom alert! Awesome outfits are on right now and new items arriving daily!

Lilly and YOU!!

Today is a big day! Martha Stewart is devoting a whole show to Lilly Pulitzer-who just like Barbie is turning 50 this Year! (Gosh that is old!!) Check out our ebay store--we have tons of new Lilly--not the smarmy pink and green stuff either! (Well, I guess we do have some of that too---). Ok-the economy is down, but you can still look good. Lilly is a cheap way to look like you have money......and face it girls...all the guys are looking for girls with cash. (The economy is tough--it is everyman for him/herself!@!@)
enjoy and let us know if you want us to help you turn your unwanted luxe goods into cold, hard cash. We have had great success selling gently used handbags, shoes. We can help you too!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's Official - I'm a Genius!

Once in a while - a great while - I surprise myself. Every time I post a blog about a fabulous new Burberry Bag or Louis Vuitton Case or a Vera Wang Dress I get questions. Where is your store? How do I find it? Where do I go after I get to eBay? So, I would go to eBay and click on the item and then email it to the interested party. I thought that there has to be a better way! I figured I was a computer PhD when I learned how to upload a picture and now someone wanted me to post a link to our eBay store??!! I didn't even know what a cut paste and copy was never mind doing it. And what is a URL anyway? So 3 hours later we went out to dinner in a HUGE snowstorm. Going out to dinner in VT in the snow is like Christopher Columbus finding America. A little luck and a few drinks later you've discovered it and your not quite sure how it happened. Well I'm not going to question my genius at all. all I know is that if you scroll down to the bottom of our page you will see Visit Our Cool Store! Click on CC and Friends - its a miracle!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Please Sir, May I Have Some More Burberry?

Yes you may! Lucky eBayers get to take advantage of my fall onto the ice (Twice!). No gym yesterday or today to let my back take a rest. A slow motion Fall is so weird. Going, going, going - Down! There was plenty of time to make sure my arms were in front of me so there was no chance of breaking the fall and my wrist! The second time was this morning and slow it was not. Even with my Yaktracks secure on my boots and watching my step I went down with a Boom! Even my Lab was concerned. OK CC One keep on topic! To combat any nibbling hankerings I went Power Shopping! Burberry didn't know what hit them - Check out our eBay store CC and Friends and you will go WOW! The most gorgeous Soft Mint Green Cashmere Scarf that I have ever seen! A quilted Patent Leather Brook Handbag and a Bromley Quilted Large Bag that is to die for! Another CrossBody Quilted Bag and a few more silk Nova Plaid Scarves. Check it out! Tell your Friends! Let us know what you think! Back to the Gym tomorrow to give my Credit Card a well deserved rest.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Bridal Blow Out or Bridalpalooza!!!!

Ok I'm not going to talk about myself for once - although I'm a tad miffed that no one thought to comment on my Tummy Tuck Post except CC2 who didn't think it was funny. Which I appreciate because as my best bud she is always looking out for me and knows that I can be my toughest critic. I will revisit the whole body issue again of course so check back. But right now we are so excited to Celebrate Valentines Eve by showcasing these amazing Bridal Bargains!!! Dessy Bridesmaid dresses in a gorgeous Windsor Blue and Vera Totally Fabulous Wang Seafoam Taffeta Strapless Dresses that have an extra special fit! Not to be left out as a Mother of the Bride or Groom we show a totally Scrumptious Ann Taylor "Celebrations" Suit with Ultra Glam Rhinestone Buttons for that Wow Factor! And a surprise winner with an eye catching Antonio Gaul Silk dress that is total Special Occasion! CC2 and I get so excited being able to gather these incredible designers for our special clients. Tell all your brides to be not to be knocked out by the economy. Shop smarter and your budget will be thankful and no one will know you didn't shop at Kleinfelds or Saks. And of course we will NEVER tell!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Does This Tummy Tuck Make My Butt Look Fat?

Did I think a Tummy Tuck was going to change my life? No - a little maybe. I didn't think I was going to be happier or taller - well maybe a little taller. Did I think it was going to hurt and take a long time to heal? Absolutely! Am I glad I did it? Yes! I did feel vindicated when my wonderful surgeon confirmed what I knew all along. My stomach muscles were somewhere else besides my stomach! She put them back where they were supposed to be and did alot of other things I don't even want to know about. BUTT! I was not expecting or in any way prepared for what happened next. My hips, butt, boobs and thighs took on a life of their own. At first I thought it was just me being hard on myself. But I mentioned it to my husband (the NICEST guy ever!) and he said "Well, I didn't want to say anything...." and then my daughter jumped in and then my pants didn't fit. All my fat was hanging on for dear life! After 50 some years of enjoying a nice comfy ride on the Belly Train it had to set up shop somewhere else. Divided and conquered onto my Boobs, Butt, Hips and Thighs. I had to buy a Minimizer Bra! And my wonderful smoothing Spanx was replaced by Industrial Strength Body Armour. I exercised - I dieted and the fat came along for the ride. My weight reached dizzying numbers. I downloaded The Biggest Loser application. And one year to the date of my surgery I lost a pound and now it is 8 pounds. I have never done anything that isn't a challenge - and this is certainly a challenge. I dreaded being the girl - Ok Woman - who had a tummy tuck and then got FAT! It happenned and it was awful! But that is last year and this is this year and I only had to do a little dance putting my jeans on today. In fact it was more like a small hop and a zip and it felt great!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

okay CC1 has been unhappy with my lack of introspective goes!! I don't know where my days go. I look up and Sue Simmons is coming on to reveal the latest news and tragedies from the NY Metro area...I sit , waiting to hear if a train is late, a bridge has exploded, another suburban housewife arrested for child endangerment. I get on the treadmill and watch Gilmore Girls or the latest Jason Aldean video (check him out--so cute!) I make my Joy Bauer approved dinner (don't want to brag but I am down 8.6 lbs) and try to get John to eat--lie --it is not cauliflower 'mashed potatoes' but am quickly found out. After a rousing two hours of the Biggest Loser (weight-not life) and a detailed inspection of Michelle Obamas ball gown (how great did she look?) it is off to my new melatonin supplement and a good six hours of sleep.

Note: did anyone see Kid Rock--aka Bob Ritchie. He is my favorite! A patriot! And has the answers on how to get Detroit moving again...I love guys like that. Lots of ideas on how to make things better, young, has fun and makes tons of money. (okay he could have used more restraint at the tatoo parlor, but he is a country/rock/cross over star!!)
Have a good day! CC2

Monday, January 19, 2009

Occupation: Professional Dieter

Did I not mention that? I don't get paid for being a Professional Dieter, but it sure feels like a job. I've been doing it most of my life, I dread Mondays, I spend more time dieting than I do with my family and friends. And once in a while I work really hard and get a promotion to Director of Operations! I usually blow my new salary on fancy new single digit sized clothes. Then I get a little cocky and stop paying attention. Suddenly I find myself doing the "Jean Dance". You know the dance - where you jiggle and jump to get your Jeans over your nice big fat... Suddenly your new title has been taken away and your back to punching a time clock (scale) every day. And we start all over again! BUT - this is 2009 - the year when I haven't put unrealistic time constraints into my life. I have set a goal of One Year - not 2 months. And if I slip down a rung I won't have to beat myself up. I will just keep going forward with no pressure at all. What a relief! As "you know who" said - it is time to put myself back on my priority list. It makes so much sense. Did I mention that I have lost 5 pounds this year, but whose counting? Actually I am.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Resolutions one oh one

I keep Procrastinating on getting my '09 resolutions on paper - or blog as it is. Yes, I Absolutely watched Oprah's Best Life Week! And I LOVED her comment about the sizes in her closet. 8-10-12 and Elastic! Can so relate to that and I don't think I'm alone. Always love Dr. Oz and Susie and yes I did take notes for my resolutions. This is what I came up with - it's not about instant changes its more about putting myself back on my priority list. Yes - Oprah got that one exactly right! So here we go...I will lose 25 lbs this year. It is so doable and I think this weight will be easier to maintain and I will be comfortable with myself. I will save 25. weekly in a seperate account for ME and perhaps use it for a little nip and snip or a great trip with my husband. I will get all my Dr Appointments scheduled! I will get a better handle on my finances! That's it - not too scary - just enough to keep me busy and out of Marshalls. CC Two and I have had a Stellar week at CC and Friends. We pretty much sold everything and will be busy doing paperwork (CC Two) and Listing more amazing items (me). Look for some awesome Burberry and yes the much anticipated Vera Wang Bridal! Oh! Remind me to bring up the townhouses I looked at over the weekend and my list of pros and cons.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Procrastination Nation!

Yes - procrastination is truly my special talent! Today is the day to start painting my daughter's room - well get it ready to paint anyway. It's almost 2pm - I'll get to it soon. I also want to make lists of my "to do's!" At least I have the paint and all the tools and the tape and the ladder. A good start anyway! Now I have to clean up her room (she just went back to College after winter break). Maybe I'll find some awesome treasures to sell on our eBay Store CC and Friends. Shhhhh..... The most important announcement is that I have lost 2lbs!!!! In the good old days before I quit smoking and when I was in my 30's I could lose 2lbs by lunch! Now it takes 2 weeks! Who stole my metabolism? I am very excited about some new items CC Two dropped off on her way to the gym! (Yes I know I think I need to do that too - the gym thing) Some really funky and brand new Coach Shoes and an awesome UGG Handbag. We're also starting our Bridal Blowout Week! Amazing Vera Wang Bridesmaid Dresses! And a Fabulous Talbot's Suit that is perfect for the Mom of the Bride or Groom! Visit our eBay Store CC and Friends to see Everything we have! Does anyone else struggle with this Procrastination business? I'd LOVE to have some suggestions

Friday, January 9, 2009

CC and Friends Clean Up Their Act! - Its about time!

OK its 2009 - Its time to Clean up My Act!!! I'm 52 and tired and excited and depressed and overwhelmed and optomistic and frankly too FAT! As my daughter always says I'm never tired - I'm Exhausted! I'm never hungry - I'm Starving! I have a knack for putting an exclamation ! onto everything in my life. My best friend and I started this awesome eBay site called CC and Friends where we sell gorgeous! luxury items that our power shopping friends hand over so they can pocket some cash to go power shopping AGAIN! (see what I mean about the !!?) We decided that while were at it we might as well start documenting some of our life and eBay adventures. The site has really taken off and we LOVE selling these awesome items like Burberry, Coach, Louis Vuitton, DVF. We also have decided that this is the year we are going to get it together and follow OUR BEST LIFE!! I'm tired of looking in the mirror and jumping in shock at who that person is in the mirror! Because as we all know - none of us have aged at all! I'm still 28 or so - aren't you? The other CC is going to chime in too...and were going to have fun talking about ourselves AND our eBay items - those coming up and those that got away....