Friday, February 6, 2009

Does This Tummy Tuck Make My Butt Look Fat?

Did I think a Tummy Tuck was going to change my life? No - a little maybe. I didn't think I was going to be happier or taller - well maybe a little taller. Did I think it was going to hurt and take a long time to heal? Absolutely! Am I glad I did it? Yes! I did feel vindicated when my wonderful surgeon confirmed what I knew all along. My stomach muscles were somewhere else besides my stomach! She put them back where they were supposed to be and did alot of other things I don't even want to know about. BUTT! I was not expecting or in any way prepared for what happened next. My hips, butt, boobs and thighs took on a life of their own. At first I thought it was just me being hard on myself. But I mentioned it to my husband (the NICEST guy ever!) and he said "Well, I didn't want to say anything...." and then my daughter jumped in and then my pants didn't fit. All my fat was hanging on for dear life! After 50 some years of enjoying a nice comfy ride on the Belly Train it had to set up shop somewhere else. Divided and conquered onto my Boobs, Butt, Hips and Thighs. I had to buy a Minimizer Bra! And my wonderful smoothing Spanx was replaced by Industrial Strength Body Armour. I exercised - I dieted and the fat came along for the ride. My weight reached dizzying numbers. I downloaded The Biggest Loser application. And one year to the date of my surgery I lost a pound and now it is 8 pounds. I have never done anything that isn't a challenge - and this is certainly a challenge. I dreaded being the girl - Ok Woman - who had a tummy tuck and then got FAT! It happenned and it was awful! But that is last year and this is this year and I only had to do a little dance putting my jeans on today. In fact it was more like a small hop and a zip and it felt great!


  1. You are so hard on yourself and it hurts the people who love you. Believe it or not, other people do not see or think fat when they look at you. They are too busy dealing with their own crap! i am happy you lost 8 pounds. It is hard. If it makes you happy that is what is important. Time to turn off the Biggest Loser-Ruby-Housewives of Monmouth County (now there is ablog!) get your camera out. get over to Burberry. You have many talents.Be proud of who you are . As a wise man once said "thank God you are not a fashion model", when I complained of being 'chunky". Look at poor Jessica Simpson.............CC2

  2. HI Girls-Kiva's mom back again..remember me?? We played Scrabble together once...(I think CCOne won!!...LOL)
    Forget the weight thing. Im just glad you are healthy!! Lie is crazy!! Think about it-.aren't you glad you dont have a chimpanzee for a pet??..That's something to worry about....
    Your store looks awesome....i cant wait to see your Spring collection...any Lilly???

  3. You are so right!! I am so glad I don't have a Chimpanzee - there is always something to be thankful for isn't there? and thank you for remembering that I won! And who thought it was safe to play games with women off the court never played Scrabble with all of us. The most competitive Women gathered in one place for one game. And Yes Yes Yes we are going to have Lilly Galore!
