Wednesday, January 21, 2009

okay CC1 has been unhappy with my lack of introspective goes!! I don't know where my days go. I look up and Sue Simmons is coming on to reveal the latest news and tragedies from the NY Metro area...I sit , waiting to hear if a train is late, a bridge has exploded, another suburban housewife arrested for child endangerment. I get on the treadmill and watch Gilmore Girls or the latest Jason Aldean video (check him out--so cute!) I make my Joy Bauer approved dinner (don't want to brag but I am down 8.6 lbs) and try to get John to eat--lie --it is not cauliflower 'mashed potatoes' but am quickly found out. After a rousing two hours of the Biggest Loser (weight-not life) and a detailed inspection of Michelle Obamas ball gown (how great did she look?) it is off to my new melatonin supplement and a good six hours of sleep.

Note: did anyone see Kid Rock--aka Bob Ritchie. He is my favorite! A patriot! And has the answers on how to get Detroit moving again...I love guys like that. Lots of ideas on how to make things better, young, has fun and makes tons of money. (okay he could have used more restraint at the tatoo parlor, but he is a country/rock/cross over star!!)
Have a good day! CC2

1 comment:

  1. I love Kid Rock, too-so unlikely! that last "note" made me laugh out loud-so impressed by the time of this post; you're an early bird!
