Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Resolutions one oh one

I keep Procrastinating on getting my '09 resolutions on paper - or blog as it is. Yes, I Absolutely watched Oprah's Best Life Week! And I LOVED her comment about the sizes in her closet. 8-10-12 and Elastic! Can so relate to that and I don't think I'm alone. Always love Dr. Oz and Susie and yes I did take notes for my resolutions. This is what I came up with - it's not about instant changes its more about putting myself back on my priority list. Yes - Oprah got that one exactly right! So here we go...I will lose 25 lbs this year. It is so doable and I think this weight will be easier to maintain and I will be comfortable with myself. I will save 25. weekly in a seperate account for ME and perhaps use it for a little nip and snip or a great trip with my husband. I will get all my Dr Appointments scheduled! I will get a better handle on my finances! That's it - not too scary - just enough to keep me busy and out of Marshalls. CC Two and I have had a Stellar week at CC and Friends. We pretty much sold everything and will be busy doing paperwork (CC Two) and Listing more amazing items (me). Look for some awesome Burberry and yes the much anticipated Vera Wang Bridal! Oh! Remind me to bring up the townhouses I looked at over the weekend and my list of pros and cons.

1 comment:

  1. CC2 hates to emote in public. While I would like to think of myself as Carrie Bradshaw, sitting on her bed, musing about her fabulous life, in fact I am a 51 year old Mom of three college (and beyond)aged sons who is still grappling with her weight and more importantly, what do I want to do 'when I grow up'?
    As CC1 mentioned we are having a great experience on ebay--thought I think the fees are way too high and am constantly looking for an alternative.(If anyone knows--pls let us know), We sell luxury goods--for our friends and those we find out in the world known as 'outlet' shopping. There is some good stuff out there and now is the time to use those Christmas dollars! Also Macys, Bloomies and the like are giving stuff away!!
    If you have things you'd like us to sell--pls let us know. Cash is a fabulous aphrodesiac!!!
