Monday, January 19, 2009

Occupation: Professional Dieter

Did I not mention that? I don't get paid for being a Professional Dieter, but it sure feels like a job. I've been doing it most of my life, I dread Mondays, I spend more time dieting than I do with my family and friends. And once in a while I work really hard and get a promotion to Director of Operations! I usually blow my new salary on fancy new single digit sized clothes. Then I get a little cocky and stop paying attention. Suddenly I find myself doing the "Jean Dance". You know the dance - where you jiggle and jump to get your Jeans over your nice big fat... Suddenly your new title has been taken away and your back to punching a time clock (scale) every day. And we start all over again! BUT - this is 2009 - the year when I haven't put unrealistic time constraints into my life. I have set a goal of One Year - not 2 months. And if I slip down a rung I won't have to beat myself up. I will just keep going forward with no pressure at all. What a relief! As "you know who" said - it is time to put myself back on my priority list. It makes so much sense. Did I mention that I have lost 5 pounds this year, but whose counting? Actually I am.


  1. but you are trying! We all ride this roller coaster with you-I know I have to think of diet as not a diet (if that makes sense) rather something that I will always have to be careful with. Very sadly, I will NEVER be in single digit jeans! Congrats on the five pounds!

  2. You should write s coloumn for the Two River Times -- all about the issues you tackle on your blog. Do you know anyone who works there?

    You're such a great blogger, you should share it with a wider audience.

    Keep up the great work.
