Friday, March 13, 2009

Pink and Green Meets Boho Chic!

We are so excited! CC2 and worked long into the night (ok through cocktail hour...) taking pics and writing and oohhing and ahhhing. I haven't been so jazzed up about merchandise in a long long time. Martha Stewart has really brought the Lilly Lovers out in droves. We have been selling new and gently used Lilly like crazy! We're happy and our clients are happy - its a win win all around. My daughter emailed me from College begging for me to buy one of the cute dresses we had just put on eBay - by the time I went to get it for her ( I know I'm a sucker for my cutie pie) it was snapped up!

If any of our local followers are looking to clean out their closets this is an awesome time to do it. Call us and we will be thrilled to sell it for you. We do all the work and you can sit back and collect the cash. I mean who doesn't love cash these days - it is king!

We are so happy that our Brides have turned to us for fantastic buys. CC2 and I LOVE helping these fabulous Brides save money without sacrificing Style!

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