Sunday, June 14, 2009

Worst Blogger EVER!!!!!

I am officially the worst Blogger Ever!! But I've been so busy and frantic that I got out of the routine. I'm getting my groove thing back though and promise to do more blogging and less paper shuffling. Getting the house ready to put on the market in NJ is very time consuming. Actually, right now I'm supposed to be painting the front door an awesome Teal blue/green, but procrastinating is one of my special talents and so are run on sentences! A huge reason the blog has gone to the back burner is my new doggie Andersen. He is so cute and the best puppy I have ever had (shhhh). I found him on Adopt a Pet. And I applied and then Interviewed and then he was put in my arms to go home with. He and his sister Kristen were from an Ohio Amish Puppy Mill. they had hernias when they were little babies and then abandoned to a high kill shelter/ the shelter put the word out to the rescue sites and the Delaware Puppy Rescue swept in and 2 weeks later he was mine! Of course I've only had him a month so what happened to April and May? Can't remember either - oh well...